A Look into Finn McKenty (The Punk Rock MBA)

Finn McKenty

There are individuals in the music industry who possess the ability to articulate music trends and how they influence our society. One such individual is Finn McKenty, a content creator who discusses the cultural impact of alternative music. His talent for blending creativity, financial acumen, and extensive knowledge of music has made him a prominent figure on YouTube, bringing together musicians, fans, and professionals in the music business. As a result, he has gained a significant following within the alternative music community.

In the Beginning…

Finn McKenty, a resident of the Pacific Northwest, discovered his passion for music at an early age. With a preference for Heavy Metal, hardcore, and punk rock, he began creating fanzines where he shared his thoughts on which bands deserved more recognition. Publications like MaximumRocknRoll and Punk Planet highly regarded his fanzines. As a result of his genuine enthusiasm, McKenty achieved remarkable success. After graduating from the University of Cincinnati, he worked on strategic design for several companies. For almost a decade, he also wrote for blogs and publications such as Terrorizer. In 2015, McKenty launched The Punk Rock MBA, a website, followed by The Punk Rock MBA YouTube channel in 2018.

The Punk Rock MBA

A pivotal moment in Finn McKenty’s career occurred when his YouTube channel, “The Punk Rock MBA,” launched. Thanks to his marketing degree and music expertise, McKenty created content that connected with musicians and fans alike. “The Punk Rock MBA,” is a channel that educates people on the music industry, analyzes marketing strategies, and discusses how much music has impacted Pop culture as a whole. This resulted in both entertaining and educational content. Finn’s charisma and honesty enabled him to address significant topics without sugarcoating them. Because of this, he gained a sizable online fan base, making him a well-known content creator.

Mckenty expanded his creative ventures beyond YouTube as his popularity soared. As part of his podcast, “The Punk Rock MBA Podcast” he engaged in long-form discussions with musicians and fellow content creators with the aim of gaining a deeper understanding of the music industry and exploring behind-the-scenes human stories.  Some of these guests on McKenty’s podcast include Violent J from Insane Clown Posse,  M. Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold, and Fat Mike from NOFX.

A Small Q&A with Finn 

I interviewed him and asked a series of questions to understand how he discovered his niche, utilized his marketing expertise, and his understanding of the concept of “guilty pleasure.”

How did you find your niche on Youtube to compete with the other channels?

I realized that nobody was making content about the Warped Tour kind of scene, even though those bands were very popular. So I figured there was an underserved audience that would be receptive.

What is the thought process for coming up with ideas for a video?

I do research on what topics my audience is interested in, then I research that topic and write the video.

You have over 400k on your Punk Rock MBA channel and have been featured in music-related podcasts such as “Fat Mike’s Fat Mic”. Do you think your success can be contributed to your background in Marketing as well as your music knowledge? How did you network with these people so that they can be on your podcast?

Yes, my success is definitely due to my background in marketing. As a marketer, my approach is always to make the product that the market wants and find ways to reach them with that product. To get podcast guests, I usually just DM them on Instagram.

What advice do you have for people who want to create music-related content as a career?

It usually takes many years of hard work to get real success and turn it into a good income. Don’t get discouraged, just keep grinding and eventually, you will have success!

What do you think of the term “guilty pleasure”? Do you agree with the concept of a “guilty pleasure”?

No, there’s no reason to feel guilty for enjoying something. Don’t let other people judge you for what you listen to.


Finn McKenty has made an unforgettable mark on the YouTube realm of alternative culture. He started as a writer for Fanzines and worked his way up to becoming a significant player in content creation, which is an impressive journey. Through his YouTube channel, podcast, and consulting, McKenty continues to be a powerful influence, making progress in the music industry one step at a time.


Before joining Creek Music Group, I worked at Disney and graduated from Full Sail University with a B.S. in Music Business. Writing has always been a passion of mine, and after college, I turned my hobby into music reviews. I've covered a range of bands, from The Sex Pistols to The Suicide Machines, as well as festivals like 'Punk in Drublic'. Additionally, I've contributed to the paranormal website '13 Society'. When I'm not writing, I like to listen to music and play video

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